Sunday, May 10, 2009

Being a single parent family is hard for many people,but as for a recent newspaper article published on Saturday, June 6,2009 it talks about how this single mother, Valavia Ranadi has taken good care of her 42-year old son Agapito Muawalu who at the age of seven was a class two student of a prominent primary school, fell victim to a road accident.He is handicapped and blind.

Although the two live alone in a two bedroom house with unhygienic environment,she gives all her faithful responsibility to her one and only son.Valavia who does not receive any financial assistance apart from Social welfare,plants their own food,including root crops and vegetables.

Valavia describes how it is hard for her to see her son grow inside a small room when he could have been out in the world with a successful career and a good life.

At time she goes out fishing for their meal and pulls cassava from their plantation.She also told the newspaper about how she used to nurse her nurse her son in those young days, she could carry him to the toilet and bathroom outside their house.Today, she no longer does that since age is catching up with her.

But despite the hardships they have endured, Valavia believes that the important element of life,which they have not lost sight of, is their commitment to god.

When we finally ask, the Lord will always give us a good answer to our questions."

This article basically talks about how single parent mothers give or find other alternatives to help them survive in this difficult world.


  1. i think this is a very good opinion piece.

  2. "Yes! it no doubt that being a single parent mom is the hardest job in the world!"

    Mothers sacrifice so much for their children because they want the best for them.

    Good one
